Take advantage of the great incentives at the Lake of the Ozarks!
The Lake of the Ozarks has some of the lowest tax rates in Missouri! One big reason to consider moving your business to the Lake of the Ozarks area is the low tax rates for businesses and their employees. The taxable wage base in Missouri is $11,000 , meaning an employer pays contributions/taxes on the first $11,000 paid to each employee. After the taxable wage base has been met, the employer continues to report the individual for the remainder of the year but is no longer required to pay taxes on those wages. The new employer contribution rate for general employers is 3.51% with the exceptions being those new employers in the construction-related industry, those employers are assigned a rate of 3.832% and employers in the mining industry receive the contribution rate of 3.567%. Sales Tax rates for the Lake Area Camden County - 5.475% Miller County - 5.725% Morgan County - 5.725% Camdenton - 7.475% Eldon - 8.125% Lake Ozark - 7.725% Laurie - 7.725% Osag...