Halloween Events at the Lake of the Ozarks

Halloween can be such a magical time of year and many memories can be made with kiddos. Whether you have a son or daughter and it's their very first Halloween or you have an older child that still loves to trick or treat - the Lake of the Ozarks is such a great place to be this time of year. The Lake of the Ozarks Regional Economic Development Council is here to tell you about some of the great events happening here at the Lake area. For help expanding your business at the Lake of the Ozark s, visit www.LOREDC.com for more information. Halloween Events at the Lake of the Ozarks Source: https://www.funlake.com Event Name: Halloween Closing Bash When: Oct 27, 2018, starting at 8 p.m. Where: Nauti Cantina @ Mermaid Cove 16319 P Road Gravois Mills MO 65037 Event Details: This is going to be an AWESOME event for adults. They will be partying extra hard not only because it is Halloween but to celebrate the first season of the Nauti Cantina being open. It is coming to ...