The Meaning Behind Memorial Day
It is easy to look at the upcoming 3-day weekend as the official kickoff to summer. But when you look at the way Memorial Day began and has evolved, the holiday brings a much deeper meaning and symbolism than many realize. In the United States, the concept of Memorial Day began with Decoration Day, which was about honoring those veterans who died in the Civil War. Over 620,000 soldiers were lost in that war and the tradition of decorating their graves began before the war ended. One of the earliest examples of this type of commemoration occurred on May 1, 1865 when regiments of the U.S. Colored Troops and over 1,000 recently freed people gathered at the site of a mass grave of Union soldiers to dedicate a new, proper burial for them. In May of 1868, it was decreed by General John A Logan that May 30 should be a day to decorate their graves and honor the sacrifice of all those who fought and died in the Civil War. After the First World War, which took 8.5 m...