What's Happening at the June 2020 LOREDC Meeting?
Have you heard? There is a Lake of the Ozarks Regional Economic Development Council meeting TODAY via Zoom. We are so committed to serving the Lake of the Ozarks business community any way we can. These meetings are so beneficial because they give us the opportunity to discuss ideas on how to improve the local business economy. Keep reading this week's blog for a full agenda of what will be happening at the LOREDC meeting this afternoon. LOREDC - We Are Your Liaison to the Lake of the Ozarks Community . The June 2020 LOREDC Meeting Monthly Meeting Agenda June 18, 2020 12:30 PM via ZOOM https://zoom.us/j/97099354223 1 Call to Order 2 Welcome - LOREDC President 3 Member and Guest Introductions 4 PRESENTATION: none 5 LOREDC Business (see links for documents) Approval of the Minutes - 05/21/2020 Approval of the Financial Statements - 05/31/2020 Ending Cash Balance - $28,636.40 May 21, 2020 Minutes May 31, 2020 Financial Statements 6 Board of Director M...