New Quality of Labor Study at the Lake of the Ozarks
Assessing the Workforce at the Lake of the Ozarks
The Lake of the Ozarks Regional Economic Development Council (LOREDC) commissioned aWorkforce Assessment to obtain a measure of the Quality of Labor in Camden, Miller, and Morgan
counties. The purpose of assessing the workforce is to provide employers with labor information
necessary to make better-informed decisions for private investment that minimizes risks for hiring,
retaining, and developing the workforce. Further, to support quality economic growth, this data provides local officials information to promote a better understanding on the competitive realities in today’s workforce market, to develop the strategies for improving the skills, quality and availability of its workforce, and to enable the Lake of the Ozarks counties and its employers to better compete at all market levels.
Some Highlights of the Assessment
A total of 28 business firms completed the online Workforce Assessment. This represents a response
rate of 38.9 percent of the 72 firms who were sent the survey.
The respondents included 29 percent manufacturers, 11 percent government/education, and 60
percent service/other (commercial, service, medical, retail, etc.).
The 28 firms responding to the survey employ 4,610 persons with an average of 165 employees per
firm. Of the 4,610 total, there are 2,607 full-time hourly employees, 929 part-time hourly employees, and 1,074 salaried employees.
The average length of employment per employee is 10.4 years. The average age of employees is 42.2
years. The range in average age is 30 years to 55 years with no firms reporting an average age of 56
years or more. Employees average 12.8 years of education with 12 out of 28 or 42.9 percent of firms
reporting averages above this level. The education attainment of those with bachelors degrees or
higher for those employed by the responding firms is 30.2 percent compared to U.S. Census for
Missouri population of age 25 or more at 25.4 percent.
The average unscheduled absenteeism rate for the respondents over a 12-month period is 5.1 percent.
The average absenteeism for manufacturers is 5.2 percent. For manufacturers with 100 or more
employees the absenteeism rate is 6.1 percent. Absenteeism is more difficult to measure in that no
standard exists for reporting absenteeism. Differences in vacation, holiday, and sick leave policies
affect whether an absence is scheduled, benefit-related, or unexcused.
The average turnover rate over a 12-month period is 7.6 percent. Different industries vary considerably in turnover rates due to seasonal factors and fluctuation in market demand for products and services. The assessment did not address the difference between total or voluntary turnover.
An average of 47.3 percent of the employees live within 10 miles of their place of work and 46.2 percent commute from 10-30 miles to work. Of the remaining, 6.5 percent commute 31 or more miles to work. The average commute time to work (minutes) according to the U.S. Census for Missouri is 23.3 and 25.4 for the USA.
See the full report for much more information about our local workforce, including wages, benefits, training, and other statistics!
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1000 City Parkway
Osage Beach, MO 65065
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1000 City Parkway
Osage Beach, MO 65065
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