What Happened at the LOREDC August 2018 Meeting?
Did you miss the LOREDC member meeting in August? If so, don't worry! The Lake of the Ozarks Regional Economic Development Council has you covered. Keep reading for a complete copy of the agenda that was discussed in the August LOREDC member meeting that took place Thursday, August 16. If you are looking to expand your business to the Lake of the Ozarks, visit our website at www.LOREDC.com for key information that can help you.
Our Mission – To encourage economic development by providing organization and program development, motivation, coordination, and evaluation of community projects, programs, and resources.
Our Purpose – We have the responsibility of determining the major areas of concern, reviewing community resource, setting goals and priorities, and developing the necessary volunteer committees to carry out its purpose.
1. Call to Order
2. Welcome (Jeana Woods, President)
3. Members and Guest Introductions
4. LOREDC Business
a. Approval of the Minutes (K.C. Cloke, Secretary)
b. Treasurer’s Report/Approval of the Financial Statements (Paul Hooper, Treasurer) – July 31, 2018
5. Committee Reports
a. Membership Committee Update (Tim Jacobsen/Paul Hooper) – Membership Investment List as of 07-31-2018
b. Marketing Committee Update (Trish Creach/Lori Hoelscher)
c. Housing Study Committee Update (Jeff Hancock/Roger Corbin)
i. Next meeting – October 10, 2018, 10:30 AM – Noon - Osage Beach City Hall
d. Workforce Committee Update (Laura Nelson/Ryan Neal)
6. Old Business
a. none
7. New Business
a. September 20 Meeting – Cancel to attend the LAHI Conference; Conference Flyer
b. Launch U
i. LOREDC to sponsor the program at $500 (per Board; meeting held August 2)
ii. Application process to begin soon; Mixers to be held September 13 and 20, October 1; Program
begins October 23; Syllabus
8. Presentation – Gerry Murawski, Lake Ozark Aldermen, and Ed Thomas, Camden County Developmental Disability Resources Executive Director. Topic: The Bagnell Dam Strip Express and other valuable transportation programs growing in our area providing vital services to our communities.
9. Next Meeting(s)
a. TBD - Possibly cancel September 20 meeting to attend the LAHI Conference
b. October 18, 2018, 12:30 PM (Lunch at Noon) Golden Corral – Speaker: TBD
10. Adjourn
The Lake of the Ozarks is a diverse area that has an excellent business environment and outstanding “quality of life” attributes. However, it needed a cohesive and cooperative effort to sell these advantages to potential business and industry. As a result, the LOREDC was formed to promote a regional approach to marketing the Lake Area. LOREDC consists of communities within a three county region in Central Missouri – Camden, Miller, and Morgan. For more information on how we can help your growing business, please visit our website at www.LOREDC.com.
Regular Monthly Meeting
AUGUST 16, 2018 – LUNCH Noon – Meeting 12:30 – 1:30 PM
Golden Corral, Osage Beach, MO
Our Mission – To encourage economic development by providing organization and program development, motivation, coordination, and evaluation of community projects, programs, and resources.
Our Purpose – We have the responsibility of determining the major areas of concern, reviewing community resource, setting goals and priorities, and developing the necessary volunteer committees to carry out its purpose.
1. Call to Order
2. Welcome (Jeana Woods, President)
3. Members and Guest Introductions
4. LOREDC Business
a. Approval of the Minutes (K.C. Cloke, Secretary)
b. Treasurer’s Report/Approval of the Financial Statements (Paul Hooper, Treasurer) – July 31, 2018
5. Committee Reports
a. Membership Committee Update (Tim Jacobsen/Paul Hooper) – Membership Investment List as of 07-31-2018
b. Marketing Committee Update (Trish Creach/Lori Hoelscher)
c. Housing Study Committee Update (Jeff Hancock/Roger Corbin)
i. Next meeting – October 10, 2018, 10:30 AM – Noon - Osage Beach City Hall
d. Workforce Committee Update (Laura Nelson/Ryan Neal)
6. Old Business
a. none
7. New Business
a. September 20 Meeting – Cancel to attend the LAHI Conference; Conference Flyer
b. Launch U
i. LOREDC to sponsor the program at $500 (per Board; meeting held August 2)
ii. Application process to begin soon; Mixers to be held September 13 and 20, October 1; Program
begins October 23; Syllabus
8. Presentation – Gerry Murawski, Lake Ozark Aldermen, and Ed Thomas, Camden County Developmental Disability Resources Executive Director. Topic: The Bagnell Dam Strip Express and other valuable transportation programs growing in our area providing vital services to our communities.
9. Next Meeting(s)
a. TBD - Possibly cancel September 20 meeting to attend the LAHI Conference
b. October 18, 2018, 12:30 PM (Lunch at Noon) Golden Corral – Speaker: TBD
10. Adjourn
We Are Your Liaison to the Lake of the Ozarks Community
The Lake of the Ozarks is a diverse area that has an excellent business environment and outstanding “quality of life” attributes. However, it needed a cohesive and cooperative effort to sell these advantages to potential business and industry. As a result, the LOREDC was formed to promote a regional approach to marketing the Lake Area. LOREDC consists of communities within a three county region in Central Missouri – Camden, Miller, and Morgan. For more information on how we can help your growing business, please visit our website at www.LOREDC.com.
Please subscribe to our blog and enjoy!
1000 City Parkway
Osage Beach, MO 65065
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