Taking Nominations for Annual Awards at LOREDC!

At Lake of the Ozarks Regional Economic Development Council, we are looking forward to our annual meeting coming up in January. This is the time of year where we get ready to honor businesses and individuals in the community who have gone above and beyond to make a difference in the community and economic development at the Lake of the Ozarks. We are accepting nominations starting November 1 and continuing through December 31 and there are five categories that will be included.  We will tell you a little more about each of the categories in today’s blog so you can nominate a deserving individual or business you know.

Small Business Partner of the Year

This category is for  small businesses at Lake of the Ozarks with 50 employees or less. If you know of a business that size that you think is a great example for the community, or is a wonderful business to work for, or that you feel is doing great things for the Lake of the Ozarks, send in your nomination. Be sure to tell us why you think they deserve this award and should be recognized.

Large Business Partner of the Year

This category is for large businesses at Lake of the Ozarks with more than 50 employees. If you know of a large business that you feel is making a positive impact regarding economic development at Lake of the Ozarks, this is a great way to show them how much you appreciate them being a part of this community. Tell us all the ways you think they are making a positive difference at Lake the Ozarks.

Business Person of the Year

We have a lot of really incredible entrepreneurs and business owners at Lake of the Ozarks. It truly is an honor to be able to recognize one each year. If there is an individual that stands out to you as someone who is inspiring, who brings excellence and expertise to their industry, and who regularly contributes to economic development and community development Lake of the Ozarks, we want to hear about them! Often, they are humble individuals that don’t expect to be honored but deserve to be recognized all the more. We can’t wait to see your choices.

Employee of the Year

Our business owners understand that their businesses would not be the same without outstanding employees who care about the customers as if it was their own business. Have any of the employees at one of our local area businesses impressed you for their work ethic or their professionalism, or their hospitality? Would you like to see them honored for their integrity? Do you have an employee that makes such an impressive difference in your business that you would like the whole community to know? Submit their name and tell us how they’ve impressed you, and why you think everyone should know just how great they are. 

Emerging Venture of the Year

This is an exciting category to consider, especially with so many new and upcoming things happening at the lake. If you know of a new business venture at Lake of the Ozarks that you would like to see honored or recognized with an award at the annual meeting, tell us all about them when you nominate them this year.

Who Do YOU Know That Deserves to Be Honored? 

Don’t miss out on this wonderful opportunity to honor persons or businesses in the tri-county region for outstanding contributions to our lake area community. Email us at info@loredc.com to submit your nominations. Keep in mind that in order to be eligible to receive an award, the nominee must have been in business/employed for a minimum of six months, and be a registered business in Camden, Miller or Morgan County. They must also be nominated between November 1, 2022 and December 31, 2022. Thank you for your input and for helping us to celebrate such amazing people and businesses in our community. Be sure to use the links below to follow us on social media to hear more information and news from LOREDC and economic development in the lake area. 

Please subscribe to our blog and enjoy!

1000 City Parkway
Osage Beach, MO 65065  
573-302-2000 ext. 290


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